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Platinum Blonde. All You Need To Know.

Updated: Jan 23, 2023

"Can I get to ash-blonde with one appointment?" Every hairdresser out there has heard this question. And today we are not here to answer it. In the next paragraphs, you're going to find how platinum blonde is a lifestyle, not a hair colour.

So you decided to channel your inner Legolas and are committed to getting your hair the iciest of colours. You've found a great colourist, and since your hair is already quite light coloured and it's not damaged, you get to the most perfect golden platinum you've been dreaming of but slightly scared to try.

The good news is, you're ready to play an elf in the next Lord of The Rings. The bad news is, you are now on an illusionary retainer with your hair salon of choice. That's right, keeping that dreamy colour is not going to be easy and certainly not cheap! Get ready for a monthly visit to the salon and to splurge on hair products because supermarket-grade is not going to cut the mustard i.e. stop your hair from turning brassy yellow (and so we thank instalment plans and credit cards...).

But you achieved your #hairgoals and life is perfect. You have your routine figured out, your finances in check and, judging by the shade of your bathtub, purple is your new favourite colour. You might as well paint your walls purple so the light reflects on your hair the tone you need. #genious

Suddenly, while you're at an event, someone tells you "you look so young, and you have so much experience... so I have to ask, how old are you?". This is when you realise that your hair puzzles people. You start wondering "do they think I'm older and look younger, or do they think I'm young and look older". Your whole identity is put into question and you start thinking if this was a good idea all along... But your doubts are put in a corner when you look in a mirror and realise you have achieved what many only dream of!

This is when you come to the conclusion that, platinum hair is not just a hair colour, it's a status. A lifestyle. It's knowing you are probably spending way too much money on salon appointments, but you are part of a selected few that are brave enough to defy biology. #noregrets

If you are ready to join the platinum cult status, but are unsure if it's right for you. Flick us an email and we're happy to chat and answer all your questions.

See you around ;)

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